Our wheel type compost turning machine is the hottest sell machine for large scale composting. Its composting depth can be 1.5-3m, and the turning width can reach to 30m. Compared with the composting grooves with 5m width, it can save 9 groove walls. That will save you the supporting land construction investment.
Since the poultry manure composting method was popularized, the compost windrow turners has play an important role in large scale composting system. use SEEC vermicompost windrow turners, you can do large scale poultry manure composting work in your own farm.
high-speed composting system for large-scale composting. Our wheel type compost turning machine is the hottest sell machine for large scale composting. Its composting depth can be 1.5-3m, and the turning width can reach to 30m.
high-speed composting system for large-scale composting. Our wheel type compost turning machine is the hottest sell machine for large scale composting. Its composting depth can be 1.5-3m, and the turning width can reach to 30m.
Sep 27, 2018 · Compost turners are the most critical pieces of equipment for large-scale composting. These machines are designed to introduce air into the mix and increase the rate of decomposition. This also makes the product more uniform.
The CT series of Tow Behind Compost Turners, is designed for large scale and on-farm composting. JPH Compost Turners have the ability to handle large windrows, and still achive fast composting times, improved aeration, and provide enhanced soil quality.
This industrial composter machine can handle up to 10 tons of organic waste daily, turning food waste into compost in 24 hours and reducing waste volume by 80-90%. Compost is removed from the machines every week and sent to the soil center to convert the compost to an organic fertilizer tailored to specific operations.